Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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Text File
69 lines
Copyright notice:
This is version 1.36 of PARI, (c) 1989, 1991 by
C. Batut, D. Bernardi, H. Cohen and M. Olivier.
This software is intended as a service to the scientific community,
but the authors cannot be held responsible for any consequences,
either direct or indirect, which the use of this package may have.
It can be freely copied and spread, as long as no files are modified, and
that the whole package (source and manual), including this README file
is included.
The simplest way to compile the users manual is to "make" in the tex directory.
For those already familiar with version 1.35 of Pari, read the text file
Newin1.36 to see what has changed between 1.35 and 1.36.
Some on-line help can be
obtained (\c for the commands, and ?command for a one line
description of the command; some commands are not documented
at all in this on-line help e.g. % to get modulo, [,,,] to get
vectors, [,,,;,,,;,,,;,,,] to get matrices etc...).
Complete on-line help can be obtained by using GP in a GNUemacs
buffer (see section 3.10 of the manual).
The output routines by default print in "prettymatrix" format. Type \m if
you want to be in "raw" format. The "prettyprint" format
(command \p under gp see section 2.2.10) is not very nice and
needs to be improved.
Many bugs remain, known and unknown. Among the most notable known
one is the bad treatment of power series in more than one variable.
This will be corrected some time in the future.
Evidently you will find bugs in PARI, some subtle, some not, and
you may also consider it indispensable to have some extra tools
available. We are constantly expanding the PARI library,
but it takes time and work.
In any case, we would appreciate correspondence; please be
tolerant. We know many of the defects in PARI, so don't flame us.
After all, you don't have to use it. On the other hand, we will
enormously appreciate constructive criticisms, or even programs for
those who want to delve in the innards of PARI without the technical
reference manual, which remains to be written (a start is Chapter 5
of the users manual).
Again, we repeat that you must feel free to spread PARI if you think
it useful, with this README file included. However do NOT spread modified
versions without getting permission from us.
The two modes in which you can use PARI are:
-- The library mode
-- The programmable calculator mode, called gp.
In addition, gp can be used in a special GNUemacs buffer, and
this provides additional capabilities (thanks mainly to David Carlisle).
Our address is:
Prof. Henri COHEN (re: PARI)
UFR de Mathematiques et Informatique
Universite Bordeaux I
351 Cours de la Liberation
e-mail: pari@alioth.greco-prog.fr (Internet number